Tag Archives: Fatherly love

You continue to inspire me…

I was already in medical school, when I was asked, what is the one thing you never want to do. My immediate response was, ” Let my father down”. The raised eyebrows and snickers didn’t escape my attention. These people didn’t know the sacrifices my father had made to get me into medical school and despite my failures the faith he had shown in my ability.

We all need that one champion who believes in us. My champion was my father. He always told me, it isnt the results that matter. It is the journey. As long as I didn’t give up and I had that fight in me, I would be okay. His faith me in me has guided my many decisions.

Even today, 12 years after his passing away, the thought of letting my father down, will pick me up from the trenches of my despair, motivate me to do what I have already decided is impossible. Every success and reward I get, I think of my father. I wish he would be here to see that his faith in me was not in vain.

I think of the strentgh it takes in a parent to have that conviction. I think of the faith one has to have in their own ability to be a parent. I wonder where that determination comes from. Having one champion is sometimes is all it takes to be successful.Hhow does one do that consistently for their children.

As I hope to grow my family, I miss my father immensely. I continue to battle the daily grind personally and professionaly. Yet I keep going, because somewhere I believe my father is watching my journey. If ever asked again, my answer will always be the same, I never want to let my father down!

Papa, you still continue to inspire me!

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Filed under Emotions, parenting, Personal, Relationships, Thoughts