The disillusionment of Independence day!

July 4th has been a huge deal in the United States. It should be for all practical reasons. It is the day the “Americans” gained independence from the British rule. Much like in India. Except in India we did it through non-violence.

As one digs deeper into the history of the US, one can’t help but ask, whose independence was it really? The enslaved black people continued to be slaves. Till today there are repercussions of the constitution that gave the black man only 3/5th of a human status. Segregation, red lining, and Jim Crow laws continue to impact black communities throughout the US. The country that was built/recognized by immigrants has one of the most strict immigration laws. The attitudes towards the refugees and people of color is only worsening as the time passes. So who was really independent, and what are we really celebrating?

As an immigrant to this country, I always felt that the discrimination against me was justified. I was after all was taking away from the “local” individual. I have long moved away from that stance. Discrimination is never justifiable. Also I didn’t take away anything. I applied for positions just like anyone else and I was selected on my merit. I didn’t have an “quotas”, affirmative action or any policy protecting or providing my possibility of making it in this country. I did it on my own. It has taken me over a decade to come to terms with that.

What I have not come to terms with is, that despite holding an Indian passport, I have more privilege in this country than black, brown indigenous people of this land. I am safer in terms of police brutality, I am not discriminated against when buying a house and my child has the possibility of going to any college they wish or can afford. The color of their skin will not be held against them. Neither will their religion.

So I think about this Independence day that is being celebrated? Exactly what are we celebrating? Especially in a country where affirmative action has just been rolled back, women’s rights are dismal and there are barely any protections for the new mother or child.

At least in India maternity leave lasts 6 months, paid at that. Yes minorities are being attacked, freedom of press is non-existent, dissent is punishable by law and women and girls continue to be raped and killed with no consequence. Not much to celebrate from where I see things.

So while July 4th has passed and August 15th is just around the corner, I ask myself, what did we really get independent from?

Happy 4th y’all!

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